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| 1-107 of 107 records |
Symbiota ID Collection Catalog Number Family Scientific Name Collector Number Date Country State/Province County Locality Decimal Lat. Decimal Long. Habitat Substrate Elevation
1069559 NY:NY 02157788 Ceramiaceae Ceramium rubrum C.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. 1807-04-07 Ireland
1069562 NY:NY 02224703 Rhodomelaceae Pterosiphonia Falkenberg, 1897 E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1069564 NY:NY 02257651 Chordariaceae Mesogloia vermicularis C.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1069566 NY:NY 02186658 Rhodomelaceae Polysiphonia fastigiata (Roth) Grev. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1069567 NY:NY 02187068 Rhodomelaceae Polysiphonia fruticulosa (Wulfen) Spreng. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1069628 NY:NY 02156883 Kallymeniaceae Callophyllis Kützing, 1843 E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1069629 NY:NY 02222397 Rhodomelaceae Polysiphonia byssoides (Gooden. & Woodw.) Grev. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1069630 NY:NY 02182270 Rhodomelaceae Laurencia pinnatifida (Huds.) J.V.Lamour. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1069640 NY:NY 02222191 Rhodomelaceae Polysiphonia atrorubescens (Dillwyn) Grev. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1069641 NY:NY 02216775 Rhodomelaceae Laurencia obtusa (Huds.) J.V.Lamour. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1071372 NY:NY 02186213 Plocamiaceae Plocamium coccineum Lyngb. E. Hutchins 45 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1071391 NY:NY 02182135 Wrangeliaceae Halurus equisetifolius (Lightf.) Kütz. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1071643 NY:NY 02157500 Caulacanthaceae Catenella opuntia (Gooden. & Woodw.) Grev. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1072737 NY:NY 02208357 Dasyaceae Dasya coccinea (Huds.) Aresch. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1080262 NY:NY 02175065 Cystocloniaceae Cystoclonium purpureum (Huds.) Batters E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1081553 NY:NY 02179567 Delesseriaceae Delesseria sinuosa J.V.Lamour. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1081831 NY:NY 02186217 Plocamiaceae Plocamium coccineum Lyngb. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1081981 NY:NY 02224900 Rhodomelaceae Pterosiphonia complanata (Clemente) Falkenb. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1081982 NY:NY 02230151 Desmarestiaceae Desmarestia viridis (O.F.Müll.) J.V.Lamour. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1083978 NY:NY 02025279 Bryopsidaceae Bryopsis plumosa (Huds.) C.Agardh E. Hutchins 14 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1093933 NY:NY 02182827 Lomentariaceae Lomentaria clavellosa (Lightf. ex W.B.Turner) Gaillon E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland
1094319 NY:NY 02156446 Callithamniaceae Callithamnion plumula (J.Ellis) Lyngb. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1096598 NY:NY 02156813 Callithamniaceae Callithamnion tetricum (Dillwyn) Gray E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry, North shore of Whiddy Island
1108788 NY:NY 02156722 Callithamniaceae Callithamnion tetragonum (With.) Gray E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1110380 NY:NY 02266690 Wrangeliaceae Spermothamnion turneri (Mertens ex Roth) Aresch. E. Hutchins 11 1807-01-29 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1110381 NY:NY 02178858 Delesseriaceae Delesseria hypoglossum (Woodw.) J.V.Lamour. E. Hutchins 26 1807-03-28 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1110549 NY:NY 02183934 Naccariaceae Naccaria wiggii (W.B.Turner) Endl. E. Hutchins s.n. 1807-08-09 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1110550 NY:NY 02155323 Rhodomelaceae Brongniartella Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1822 E. Hutchins s.n. 1807-08-19 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1110709 NY:NY 02187527 Rhodomelaceae Polysiphonia nigrescens (Huds.) Grev. ex Harv. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry 51.68 -9.45
1112706 NY:NY 02228474 Chordariaceae Chordaria flagelliformis (O.F.Müll.) C.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1114542 NY:NY 02142864 Ceramiaceae Antithamnion plumula (J.Ellis) Thur. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay
1115082 NY:NY 02197581 Gracilariaceae Gracilaria confervoides (L.) Grev. E. Hutchins 10 1806-10-00 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1115619 NY:NY 02256781 Laminariaceae Laminaria phyllitis (Stackh.) C.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1115667 NY:NY 02222340 Rhodomelaceae Polysiphonia brodiei (Dillwyn) Spreng. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1118033 NY:NY 02197580 Gracilariaceae Gracilaria confervoides (L.) Grev. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1119032 NY:NY 02184737 Delesseriaceae Nitophyllum punctatum (Stackh.) Grev. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry, Blue Mile
1119446 NY:NY 02228116 Chordaceae Chorda filum (L.) Stackh. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1122270 NY:NY 02271877 Sargassaceae Pycnophycus tuberculatus (Stackh.) Kütz. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1122318 NY:NY 02258323 Rhodymeniaceae Rhodymenia jubata (Gooden. & Woodw.) Grev. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1122319 NY:NY 02258324 Rhodymeniaceae Rhodymenia jubata (Gooden. & Woodw.) Grev. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1122320 NY:NY 02258662 Rhodymeniaceae Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1122396 NY:NY 02178952 Delesseriaceae Delesseria ruscifolia (W.B.Turner) J.V.Lamour. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1122397 NY:NY 02178972 Delesseriaceae Delesseria sanguinea (Huds.) J.V.Lamour. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1122398 NY:NY 02179042 Delesseriaceae Delesseria sanguinea (Huds.) J.V.Lamour. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1122399 NY:NY 02143865 Bonnemaisoniaceae Bonnemaisonia asparagoides (Woodw.) C.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1123753 NY:NY 02189560 Rhodomelaceae Rhodomela subfusca (Woodw.) C.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1123754 NY:NY 02182621 Lomentariaceae Lomentaria articulata (Huds.) Lyngb. E. Hutchins s.n. 1805-00-00 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1123755 NY:NY 02156809 Callithamniaceae Callithamnion tetricum (Dillwyn) Gray E. Hutchins 258 1807-06-00 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1123756 NY:NY 02024934 Bryopsidaceae Bryopsis hypnoides J.V.Lamour. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1123757 NY:NY 02179043 Delesseriaceae Delesseria sanguinea (Huds.) J.V.Lamour. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1123758 NY:NY 02266877 Wrangeliaceae Sphondylothamnion multifidum (Huds.) Nägeli E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1128416 NY:NY 02143414 Batrachospermaceae Batrachospermum gelatinosum (L.) DC. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1136059 NY:NY 02182829 Lomentariaceae Lomentaria clavellosa (Lightf. ex W.B.Turner) Gaillon E. Hutchins s.n. 1808-05-00 Ireland
1136061 NY:NY 02182819 Lomentariaceae Lomentaria clavellosa (Lightf. ex W.B.Turner) Gaillon E. Hutchins 15 1807-05-03 Ireland
1193944 NY:NY 02179658 Dumontiaceae Dudresnaya verticillata (With.) Le Jol. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1197089 NY:NY 02183931 Naccariaceae Naccaria wiggii (W.B.Turner) Endl. E. Hutchins s.n. 1807-08-14 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1233060 NY:NY 02138621 Ulvaceae Ulva clathrata (Roth) C.Agardh E. Hutchins 2 1807-00-00 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233061 NY:NY 02240916 Ectocarpaceae Ectocarpus tomentosus (Huds.) Lyngb. E. Hutchins 12 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233062 NY:NY 02173559 Champiaceae Chylocladia kaliformis (Gooden. & Woodw.) Hook. E. Hutchins s.n. 1805-07-00 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1233063 NY:NY 02182807 Lomentariaceae Lomentaria clavellosa (Lightf. ex W.B.Turner) Gaillon E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233064 NY:NY 02215868 Kallymeniaceae Kallymenia reniformis (W.B.Turner) J.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. 1807-00-00 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1233065 NY:NY 02181230 Wrangeliaceae Griffithsia setacea (Huds.) C.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233066 NY:NY 02189269 Rhodomelaceae Rhodomela C.Agardh, 1822 E. Hutchins s.n. 1807-00-00 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233067 NY:NY 02173590 Champiaceae Chylocladia ovalis (Huds.) Grev. E. Hutchins s.n. 1806-00-00 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1233068 NY:NY 02178875 Delesseriaceae Delesseria hypoglossum (Woodw.) J.V.Lamour. E. Hutchins 24 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1233069 NY:NY 02178937 Delesseriaceae Delesseria ruscifolia (W.B.Turner) J.V.Lamour. E. Hutchins s.n. 1806-00-00 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1233337 NY:NY 02181610 Phyllophoraceae Gymnogongrus griffithsiae (W.B.Turner) Mart. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233338 NY:NY 02274695 Chordariaceae Stilophora rhizodes (C.Agardh) J.Agardh E. Hutchins 6 1806-08-00 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233339 NY:NY 02188558 Ceramiaceae Ptilota elegans Bonnem. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry 51.68 -9.45
1233340 NY:NY 02185353 Phyllophoraceae Phyllophora crispa (Huds.) P.S.Dixon E. Hutchins 34 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233341 NY:NY 02227255 Rhodomelaceae Pterosiphonia parasitica (Huds.) Falkenb. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry 51.68 -9.45
1233342 NY:NY 02223172 Rhodomelaceae Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightf. ex Dillwyn) Grev. E. Hutchins 27 1807-04-26 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry 51.68 -9.45
1233343 NY:NY 02222914 Rhodomelaceae Polysiphonia thuyoides Harv. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1233344 NY:NY 02184475 Delesseriaceae Nitophyllum bonnemaisonii (Kylin) Kylin E. Hutchins s.n. 1807-00-00 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233345 NY:NY 02184476 Delesseriaceae Nitophyllum bonnemaisonii (Kylin) Kylin E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233346 NY:NY 02184732 Delesseriaceae Nitophyllum punctatum (Stackh.) Grev. E. Hutchins s.n. 1806-00-00 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry 51.68 -9.45
1233347 NY:NY 02241192 Chordariaceae Elachista fucicola (Velley) Aresch. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233348 NY:NY 02181763 Phyllophoraceae Gymnogongrus norvegicus (Gunnerus) J.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233349 NY:NY 02258709 Rhodymeniaceae Rhodymenia palmetta (Stackh.) Grev. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233350 NY:NY 02189562 Rhodomelaceae Rhodomela subfusca (Woodw.) C.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233351 NY:NY 02228624 Cladostephaceae Cladostephus verticillatus (Lightf.) Lyngb. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233352 NY:NY 02228625 Cladostephaceae Cladostephus verticillatus (Lightf.) Lyngb. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233353 NY:NY 02189707 Cystocloniaceae Rhodophyllis bifida (Grev.) Kütz. E. Hutchins s.n. 1807-07-18 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233354 NY:NY 02259049 Dumontiaceae Sarcophyllis edulis (Stackh.) J.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233355 NY:NY 02213841 Liagoraceae Helminthora divaricata (C.Agardh) J.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233356 NY:NY 02189702 Cystocloniaceae Rhodophyllis bifida (Grev.) Kütz. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233357 NY:NY 02221160 Wrangeliaceae Monosporus pedicellatus (Sm.) Solier E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233358 NY:NY 02229421 Sargassaceae Cystoseira ericoides (L.) C.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233359 NY:NY 02243214 Sargassaceae Halidrys siliquosa (L.) Lyngb. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233360 NY:NY 02259236 Scinaiaceae Scinaia furcellata (W.B.Turner) J.Agardh E. Hutchins 5 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233361 NY:NY 02266800 Sphaerococcaceae Sphaerococcus coronopifolius Stackh. E. Hutchins 44 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233362 NY:NY 02266801 Sphaerococcaceae Sphaerococcus coronopifolius Stackh. E. Hutchins s.n. 1806-08-20 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233363 NY:NY 02115139 Ceramiaceae Ceramium ciliatum (J.Ellis) Ducluz. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233364 NY:NY 02115368 Ceramiaceae Ceramium diaphanum (Lightfoot) Roth E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233365 NY:NY 02181886 Furcellariaceae Halarachnion ligulatum (Woodw.) Kütz. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233366 NY:NY 02181887 Furcellariaceae Halarachnion ligulatum (Woodw.) Kütz. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233367 NY:NY 02177443 Rhodomelaceae Chondriopsis dasyphylla (Woodw.) J.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1233368 NY:NY 02213857 Liagoraceae Helminthora divaricata (C.Agardh) J.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay
1233369 NY:NY 02229544 Sargassaceae Cystoseira granulata C.Agardh E. Hutchins 27 1807-06-09 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1235508 NY:NY 02183773 Delesseriaceae Membranoptera alata (Huds.) Stackh. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1235510 NY:NY 02208356 Dasyaceae Dasya coccinea (Huds.) Aresch. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry
1235528 NY:NY 02143864 Bonnemaisoniaceae Bonnemaisonia asparagoides (Woodw.) C.Agardh E. Hutchins s.n. 1807-00-00 Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry Bay 51.658579 -9.832231
1235543 NY:NY 02179659 Dumontiaceae Dudresnaya verticillata (With.) Le Jol. E. Hutchins s.n. Ireland Cork Munster. Bantry 51.68 -9.45
1382495 NY:NY 02668485 Characeae Chara contraria A.Braun ex Kütz. E. J. Hutchins | T. J. Baden s.n. 2018-11-02 United States of America Minnesota Polk Co. Fen on the Burnham WMA, small, open pools within fen 47.65863 -96.34153
742993 OSC OSC-A-011363 Corallinaceae Corallina Linnaeus, 1758 Dave Hutchins s.n. 1987-05-00 United States Oregon Coos Cape Arago, North Bay 43.312682 -124.401354
772615 UC UC94127 Phyllophoraceae Gymnogongrus griffithsiae (Turner) Martius Hutchins 17
834330 UC UC2051991 Delesseriaceae Nitophyllum punctatum (Stackhouse) Greville Hutchins s.n.
| 1-107 of 107 records |
*Click on the Symbiota identifier in the first column to see Full Record Details.';