Darwin Core Archive Publishing

The following downloads are occurrence data packages from collections that have chosen to publish their complete dataset as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A) file. DwC-A files are a single compressed ZIP file that contains one to several data files along with a meta.xml document that describes the content. Archives published through this portal contain three comma separated (CSV) files containing occurrences, identifications (determinations), and image metadata. Fields within the occurrences.csv file are defined by the Darwin Core exchange standard. The identification and image files follow the DwC extensions for those data types.

Data Usage Policy:

Use of these datasets requires agreement with the terms and conditions in our Data Usage Policy. Locality details for rare, threatened, or sensitive records have been redacted from these data files. One must contact the collections directly to obtain access to sensitive locality data.
RSS Feed: https://www.macroalgae.org/portal/content/dwca/rss.xml
Code Collection Name Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A) Metadata Pub Date
CHSC Ahart Herbarium, CSU Chico - Macroalgae DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2025-01-02
BRIT Botanical Research Institute of Texas DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2025-01-02
BRU Brown University - Algae DwC-A (1.1M) EML 2025-01-02
BUT Butler University - Algae DwC-A (1.2M) EML 2025-01-02
CDA-Algae California Department of Food and Agriculture - Algae DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2025-01-02
PH Drexel University, Academy of Natural Sciences - Algae DwC-A (6.8M) EML 2025-01-02
DUKE Duke University Herbarium Algae Collection DwC-A (3.3M) EML 2025-01-02
FH Farlow Herbarium (Harvard University) DwC-A (5.6M) EML 2025-01-02
FHL Friday Harbor Laboratories DwC-A (0.9M) EML 2025-01-02
GMS Gilbert M. Smith Herbarium DwC-A (1.5M) EML 2025-01-02
HXC-Algae Hendrix College Herbarium - Algae DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2025-01-02
HSC Humboldt State University - Algae DwC-A (1M) EML 2025-01-02
IND Indiana University DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2025-01-02
UCSC MARINe-Algae MARINe Macroalgal Collection at the University of California, Santa Cruz DwC-A (0.6M) EML 2025-01-02
MU Miami University - Algae DwC-A (2M) EML 2025-01-02
MSC Michigan State University Algae DwC-A (1M) EML 2025-01-02
MOT Mote Marine Lab DwC-A (0.4M) EML 2025-01-02
NYSM-NYS New York State Museum Algae Collection DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2025-01-02
OSC Oregon State University DwC-A (3.1M) EML 2025-01-02
CHRB Rutgers University, Chrysler Herbarium - Macroalgae Collection DwC-A (1M) EML 2025-01-02
SD San Diego Natural History Museum - Algae DwC-A (1.4M) EML 2025-01-02
SDSU-Algae San Diego State University Herbarium - Algae DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2025-01-02
LSU-Algae Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium at Louisiana State University - Algae DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2025-01-02
TAES Texas A & M University, S. M. Tracy Herbarium DwC-A (0.2M) EML 2025-01-02
UC University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley DwC-A (16M) EML 2025-01-02
UNA University of Alabama DwC-A (0.4M) EML 2025-01-02
ALA University of Alaska Museum DwC-A (1M) EML 2025-01-02
ALAJ University of Alaska Southeast DwC-A (1.6M) EML 2025-01-02
UBC University of British Columbia - Algae DwC-A (18.3M) EML 2025-01-02
UCSB University of California Santa Barbara Algae Collection DwC-A (2M) EML 2025-01-02
DAV-Algae University of California, Davis Center for Plant Diversity - Algae DwC-A (0.4M) EML 2025-01-02
IRVC University of California, Irvine DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2025-01-02
UCSC-Algae University of California, Santa Cruz Marine Macroalgal Herbarium DwC-A (0.4M) EML 2025-01-02
CONN University of Connecticut - Algae DwC-A (0.8M) EML 2025-01-02
FLAS University of Florida Herbarium - Macroalgae DwC-A (0.6M) EML 2025-01-02
GUAM-GH University of Guam Marine Macrophyte Collection DwC-A (1.5M) EML 2025-01-02
UHM-HAW-A University of Hawaii at Manoa DwC-A (0.5M) EML 2025-01-02
ILL University of Illinois Herbarium - Algae DwC-A (1.3M) EML 2025-01-02
ILLS University of Illinois, Illinois Natural History Survey Herbarium - Algae DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2025-01-02
MASS University of Massachusetts - Amherst DwC-A (1.5M) EML 2025-01-02
MICH University of Michigan DwC-A (15M) EML 2025-01-02
NHA University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection DwC-A (13.5M) EML 2025-01-02
WNC University of North Carolina Wilmington, David J. Sieren Herbarium DwC-A (1.5M) EML 2025-01-02
NCU-Algae University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium; Max & Fran Hommersand Algae Herbarium: Algae DwC-A (10.5M) EML 2025-01-10
KIRI University of Rhode Island DwC-A (1.2M) EML 2025-01-02
USCH University of South Carolina, A. C. Moore Herbarium Algae Collection DwC-A (0.4M) EML 2025-01-02
USF University of South Florida - Algae DwC-A (2.7M) EML 2025-01-02
TENN University of Tennessee Herbarium DwC-A (0.5M) EML 2025-01-02
VT University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium, Algae Collection DwC-A (0.6M) EML 2025-01-02
WTU University of Washington DwC-A (4.2M) EML 2025-01-02
WVA West Virginia University - Algae DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2025-01-02
YPM-YU Yale University Herbarium DwC-A (1M) EML 2025-01-02
YUO Youngstown State University DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2025-01-02