Migula, Krypt. Germ., Austr. Helv. Exs. [Algen]
Migula, E.F.A.W. [1 - 300]

Drexel University, Academy of Natural Sciences - Algae
Catalog #: PH00348373
W. Migula #178 27 September 1927
Aphanochaete hyalothecae (Hansgirg) Schmidle
Germany, Thuringen: Marksuhl, im Eichgrundteich

University of Michigan
Catalog #: 678383
W. Migula #s.n. 27 September 1927
Aphanochaete hyalothecae (Hansgirg) Schmidle
Germany, Eichgrund Pond, Marksuhl, Thuringen

Miami University - Algae
Catalog #: 000162545
W. Migula #s.n. 27 September 1927
Aphanochaete hyalothecae (Hansgirg) Schmidle
Germany, Thuringen: Marksuhl, im Eichgrundteich